
Showing posts from September, 2021

Headphones. More than a Tool, but a close friend.

As a part of the generation who treasure their audio devices, I've noticed many of our parents and guardians think of them only as an appliance. Why? I recently bought a new pair of headphones for myself, resulting in it a discussion on how it's a waste of money and I'm on them a majority of the time. Well, You know even if nothing playing on the thing, they yell at me like I've got a hearing problem. Honestly, not a big deal as we live in India. Most of us are still in a middle-class families. Sometimes elders just need all the attention from the kids as to them what they say is more important, not wrong yet not always true. Kai Dahms on Unsplash " rel="nofollow" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" target="_blank"> Photo by  Kai Dahms We use headphones for many purposes, like watching videos, streaming movies, shows, music. Some use them for Gaming. Online Learning even. Some Gen Zs are getting their hands on the Pr...

Beginning of a Journey.

Hi, I'm Kaushik. To be honest I am not anything or anyone yet. Haven't decided what title do I want to carry around. A photographer, businessman, chef, a nerd or even just a writer.  To me life is unpredictable, I just happen to go with the flow sometimes, I sometimes go against the current. My life is very complicated. Often times it's funny, to look back at the moment where I cried in pain, now I feel like it was simply the defining moment for me. Life if filled with opportunities and I wanna test everything possible. Personally, I don't know what kind of person I'm good or bad, or simply something else. I'll leave it to you to judge. In terms of interests, they vary, but I do have some fixed ones. I'm a Car-enthusiast, Marvel Cinematic Universe fan, enjoy Indie Pop, Chill Pop, EDM Music. I also appreciate relatable memes. I'm more introverted than I'm outgoing. I enjoy good company and small less loud get-togethers. Just chillin'.... Why am I...