As history has time and time proven, evolution and revolution, we are inherently trapped. As the idea of Stoic life is much fullfill to live by. Our thinking brain loves it, but it's not comfortable for our feeling brain. As we disect every emotion and it's origin we're left with a logic. A logic that seems so meaniless, as it disrupts freewill. The harder you try to reason Love, or the more you try to formulate Loving; the harder loving someone gets. As life is entropy, as all thoughts and actions are inconsistent, one has no control. A society that acts on its animalistic instincts like that is not evolutionary beneficial. So the scholars (mostly rich and privileged) created lifestyle. Religions. Some OG influencers (like a spoilt prince who saw pain and hardship of the average for the first time in his life) question theses beliefs, ran away and lived a life of only suffering to find meaning, a decision which was purely unreasonable and fucking mental. He was eventually ...