To Miss Periwinkle

 "Can I steal you for a minute?" I once asked.

Since we first met, something inside me changed, I experienced a side I wanted to embrace. Silly but happy, hopeless but romantic, yet unable to express. We argued, and with words and actions, we ended up hurting each other more than caring.

Animalistic, unrefined actions, yet you were the catalyst that turned me into a philosopher. You were my chaos, I was doing just fine without you.

When I cut you off the other day, I felt liberated by your shackles. But the day we met, it stung open an old wound, I realized there were a lot of things I left unspoken. Important things.

After five long years without them, my panic attacks were back. It always killed me to feel this way for you. We were never some Romeo and Juliet, we were always doomed. You never gave a shit, so why do I?

I climbed a mountain and danced in the rain, yet I cried. There was a void. You did nothing but your very voice in my head haunts love for me. Over and over I failed at love, friends, family, dreams, and you.


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