In the beginning, there was nothing, then the universe was born, filled with ionized particles, and immense radiation. As new starts were created some were dying along the way. Each explosion caused another. Then one day our Sun was born, the universe had gotten much more habitable at this point and our Earth refuged life. As life evolved it got more complex, especially humans. We dominated the planet with our ability to adapt almost anywhere. We created society, a complex system where one is assigned a role to play for the pack's survival. As Mankind got its hands on the first stone weapon thus began the rise of technology. We barely know when we got sentient or had a true sense of consciousness. Much of human history is lost to time and much of the information out there is just as unreliable. Ancient scholars, religious leaders and writers, all came up with their own explanations about the origin of life and its purpose. Each right in his own way, yet so wrong from the oth...